It was mainly based on restoration in other words, protection of architectural heritage. That also includes, cultural heritage which might be tangible like a painting or sculpture or a coin which can be carried. Or else, they can be monument or an excavation that are not portable. And also there are heritages that are submerged. So about the protection of that kinds of heritages, there are specific law regards that issue which are very strict so that the projects are controlled. Thus, it needs institutions to apply that..
About the projects they consist of, survey and the analysis to lead decisions of intervention and also needs historical back ground studies. They also worked with the engineering projects and reports. Also it requires material analysis and information about the environment and infrastructure. It shows that about the work and how much details it needs. For example; in a mosque every piece of tile is painted as themselves one by one about the restoration of an ornament.
In addition to those, understanding of that kinds of study, also very helpful and beneficial in terms of understanding a building and it’s construction techniques and also understanding the historical approach on them.


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